

The term “KUNDALINĪ” is compound word, carrying various meanings.

* KUNDA represents a hollow space into which debris and rubbish is thrown. In time the rubbish loses its original form and disintegrates into a formless mush in which the individual components are no longer recognisable. In a similar way our impressions from earlier lives lie like an amorphous substance deep in the unconscious (Mūlādhāra Chakra).

*KUNDALA represents a ring (generally used in reference to earring). A ring or a circle has neither beginning nor end. Its symbolic infinite nature is used as to represent the nature of Creation. Creation, as an expression of cosmic energy, is and infinitely and eternally unfolding spiraling circle, with no beginning and no ending.

Its ending with the sound “ī” connects it to the feminine principle, especially in relation to SHAKTI (energy) and PRAKRITI (nature).

The two other roots of “KUNDALINĪ” are KUNDALIN, as the Serpent, and KĀLA, as timeless and eternal Time and relative time which leads everyone and everything to death or dissolution.

The symbol of the snake has many meanings: ignorance, energy, unhappiness or happiness, death, time and change. For example, Lord Vishnu rests on a thousand-headed snake, and sends out the first vibration (Sphurna), from which the entire Universe evolves. In this particular case, the snake reprensents the very foundational matrix, the womb of all potential wombs, which supports everything, even the Infinite, Eternal and Unlimitedly potentiated, Divine Source of all manifested Consciousness.

The symbol of the snake also refers to the poison and danger that lies in ignorance. Ignorance is as poisonous and deadly as a cobra. However, in this case, the poison is refers to Divine Grace, as Absolute Truth and Wisdom, destroying all ignorance within. After all, poison can also heal and even have a life saving influence. Knowledge about its correct application and dosage is the important thing.

So just as the power to heal is contained in poison, supreme knowledge lies dormant in the “ignorance” of the unconscious. Just as a snakebite can suddenly change our life, when the Kundalinī awakens our consciousness changes fundamentally and we reach another dimension of time and space.

As to the “rising of the Kundalinī”, or as often translated, “awakening of the serpent power” would more accurately be explained as an awakening of consciousness and a deepening of Spiritual understanding and wisdom -as in an understanding of that which Essential, or of the Essence, of all manifested patterns in Creation.

The expression of this rising of the Kundalinī begins at the Mūlādhāra Chakra, which is symbolically and energetically connected to the lower end of the spinal column.

From the Mūlādhāra it moves (symbolically) upward through 5 other energetically expressive qualities, represented by chakras to the Sahasrāra Chakra which is symbolically and energetically connected to the top of the head.

This awakening is not a physical occurrence; but rather and expressed development in consciousness. This becomes more noticeable as our perception of cosmic vibrations and radiant Truth (Tattvas) are refined, along with our relationship with the connections and laws that support our Universe.

As Kundalinī awakens, our consciousness expands and we become aware of the truth. Here, experience is prefered to acquisition of knowledge. Each experience, whether good or bad, increases our understanding. Understanding becomes experientially integrated knowledge. Clarity arises through such integration.

This awakening brings with it a sincere anchoring in what could be described as pure joy, pure knowledge and pure love. A person whose Kundalinī is fully awakened radiates with non-discriminating love, peaceful power and sincere goodness, in such way that all lifeforms feel drawn to her or him.

Kundalinī is basically spiritual energy that is available to us if we are willing to work diligently and humbly to understand, and connect with, our highest Self, or Source. Like anything else that is truly worth it, evolving to such an elevated state of consciousness requires a serious and diligent investment of time, energy, channeled through practice under the proper instruction.

Furthermore, anyone aspiring to work with Kundalinī must get ready to handle the energetic surge that accompanies its upward movement of inner transformation. Such readiness is usually attained through practices such as those prescribed under Kriya yoga, all geared at purifying and strengthening the individual at a physical, mental and psychological level.

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