
Accu-Yoga Training

Our Acu-Yoga 3 or 6 day workshops are opportunities to learn how to practically combine these two ancient and very powerful health systems, for double the positive effect on body, mind and spirit.

If you've ever been exposed to acupressure or yoga, you already know how effective they can be as transformational tools.

How How Acu-Yoga Works

Holding acupressure points whilst in yoga positions can be incredibly beneficial. Each acupressure point is on a line, or meridian that connects them like dots along muscle lines and neural pathways. Stimulating one of the points on a pathway whilst stretching the rest of the pathway with a yoga posture leads to opening the entire neurological aspect of that area and reaping a plethora of the health benefits.

Acu-Yoga Training 3 or 6 day Course

In this course you will learn:

  • About the meridiens, as described in classical chinese medicinal science
  • Theory and applications of acupressure (meridians/nadis)
  • Effective techniques to locate acupressure points
  • Effects of yoga asanas on the meridiens
  • Applied Yoga stretching exercises and breathing exercises related to the various meridiens
  • Principles of energetic work
  • Basic tools to work with special conditions
  • To work in a meditative state of mind

Upcoming Acu-Yoga Events

To host an Acu-yoga workshop or Intensive course in your facility, we invite you to contact Karim at kfadali @ gmail . com .

Please revisit this page, for upcoming events.

Acu-Yoga Related resources


Accupressure, meridians and Chi

Acu-Yoga and the Chakra system

Acu-Yoga for Hypertension and stress

Acu-Yoga Therapy

Contact Us

For more information, we invite you to contact us at kfadali @ gmail . com.

Thank you for checking us out.

Wishing you a great journey;
