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Why we choose to offer Online Yoga Teacher Training Courses

Anyone who questions the quality of, and even the ethics behind an Online Teacher Training Course is asking a very valid question.

The question that arises here, is why would we go this route when the yoga teacher training industry in general, as defined by its self-appointed ruling body (the yoga alliance), is flooding the world with inadequately prepared yoga instructors?

As someone who has been practicing yoga for over 3 decades now, Karim Fadali, founder of Prem Flow Yoga, believes that one can in no way be a yoga teacher after 1 month of 'study'. Not only that, but Karim also sees that the whole yoga intensive approach is anathema to the spirit and core teachings of Yoga.

No matter what the trending (popularized and legitimized by the Yoga Alliance) assumptions and expectations of a genuinely interested public, for it to be growth, transformation, understanding and even absorbtion of the wisdom that is available through yoga, one has get away from the 'magic pill', 'microwave', instant gain mindset, and live yoga as one does a hobby, a passion, a lifelong interest.

This might sound highly hypocritical coming from someone who is selling teacher trainings. But as in all situations where the trend/status quo is hard to agree with on both moral and ethical grounds, one must remember that being part of a system doesn't necessarily mean one has to agree with it completely. It doesn't also mean we should give up the fight for what we feel in our hearts to be right.

As a yoga teacher who petitioned against the creation of the Yoga Alliance in the early 2000s, and who tried to maintain an ethical wall of separation between his work and the exponentially growing influence of the Yoga Alliance, Karim believes that struggle has to be embraced, in order to be transcended.

On a fundamental and practical level, yoga teaches us to embrace the experience of life exactly as it is, by anchoring oneself in the ever present harmony, Unity and perfection of creation that we are all part of at every moment, beyond the wrongs and horrors experienced through our dualistic mode of perceptions and being.

This doesn't mean being acquiescent to whatever is happening around us. On the contrary this very teaching calls us to also honor the voice, the truth, the call of the heart. Yoga is an invitation to see the greatness that we are made of, act courageously, face the oppression of our deepest fears to transcend our limiting beliefs and aim for the realization of our greatest and most profound aspirations.

For Karim, this Truth is that Yoga, (when applied to yoga as a means to help people connect with their inner voice and power), is not about money or the industry of yoga...

It is truly sad to see so many leading models of the yoga lifestye driven by a strong impulse to enrich themselves, not that abundance is wrong, but rather that yoga contains in it a call for simplicity, moderation, contentment, and fairness.

For us at Prem Flow Yoga, as an institution that aims to promotes and promulgate universal principles of unity, compassion, self-empowerment and fearlessness, we do not see it productive to price our courses in a way that only benefits a minority of financially fortunate people. Thus, we continue to look for ways to keep our prices as low as possible, while striving to maintain the highest quality of teaching.

It is in this spirit that we choose to tap into effectively-uniting-and-connecting-information-technology tools this decade have brought us to share the gift of yoga at an affordable cost.

If contact us at kfadali @ gmail . com.