Creative Writing

Creative Writing Guide

My Creative Writing Coaching Program, (in either English or French), might be beneficial to you if you're interested in:

1) Exploring the depths of your inner-psyche,

2) Cultivating a creative relationship with your imagination, and

3) Strengthening youe ability to formulate and share elaborately complex thoughts and concepts.

Don't hesitate to give me a 'howler', if you feel like finding out more, at kfadali @ gmail . com.

Until then, may the creative juices flow smoothly and abundantly through you.

Ps: I also wear the costume of a writer / author. And yes, I have published a novel, titled 'Esperanza'. Now, if you want to find out more, just keep on reading!

Sharing through Story-Telling

While I personally choose to believe that I was born with a gift for existentially themed story-weaving, the highly expressive and fertile imagination that colored the first twelve years of my life, and stuck with me thereafter, might have naturally been developed, alongside a mild case of bookwormish addiction, to counter-balance the insecurities of my shy childhood, as is of the case of only-children raised by single parents.

My earliest stories, which I recall telling a select 'chosen' few friends, (as in being wordy and ready for the goods), from an already limited list of friends, were often about my having:

1) uncovered in my own apartment, a hidden portal to another dimension, or realm, within which lived strangely looking beings,

2) or, found, under a pile of dust covered books, in the neighborhood's used bookshop, a mystical, occult, alchemical book filled with magic spells and dangerous knowledge,

3) or, gained incredible superpowers, which I could not divulge in broad daylight, but which I was dutifully using to save damsels in distress, by kicking ill-meaning hoodlums' butts, in the middle of the night, somewhere in my city,

4) or, (going in a different direction), met this gorgeous girl, who was incredibly beautiful, had long blond hair, and was very much in love with me, which meant we would soon be embarking on all sorts of exciting adventures, which would always end with us holding hands and gazing tenderly at each other's eyes, on some cute slanted rooftop, with the usual sunset happening to set the mood right, and who knows, we might even try that kissing thing.

Since then, my writing has gotten more elaborate, but, now that I think about it, the themes remain, at their core, quite the same.

On a more serious note, I returned to writing at the apex of a busy, (on all fronts), perido of my life. At that time, I was working a lot, partying a lot, sleeping very little, driving as I were a lean-mean formula 1 racer, suffering from road rage, workaholism, and a general addiction to stress. The apex culminated with a serious car crash, a near-death experience, and led to the surfacing of some serious questions regarding what I was doing with my life.

Without much thought, I grabbed a pen and started looking at my life, my intentions, aspirations, motives, regrets, fears, and their source. The process felt so enjoyable it became a principle activity in my day-to-day affairs. Soon, I started making more room for it, by dropping other interests -as in partying, and chasing 'girls', or that sweetly elusive ever-lasting romantic love.

Soon enough, I was spending more time in cafés, sipping massive cold caffeinated beverages, with a pen in one hand, and a notebook always opened, and ready for action, on the table. While this might sound cliché, at the time, I wasn't trying to appear as a writer, I was really lost in the process, and preferred being in a café, amidst other human beings, to being alone in my apartment. It kind of made me feel as if I was alive, and part of society -after all, until then, I had been quite the active party animal, and by that I mean the kind of mammalian creature that enjoys the action found amidst thousands of others, glittered psycho-spiritual explorers of the kind you only find in massive raves.

Now, I was writing, or reading, whenever I could, and, as if I were a junkie, always looking for ways to stretch that 'whenever I could' a bit a more. I even took an unofficial 'sabbatical', or break, from work, or at least from full-time work. I was still teaching yoga classes regularly. It was around this period that I started writing my first novel.

The novel and its protagonists crept up on me in a surprising kind of way. One moment I was writing about the world and my place in it, and the next, I was trying to keep up with a story that seemed to be writing itself through me. It was as if I was possessed by it, in a pleasant, energizing and inspiring way. Its beginning and ending were clearly defined from the start. It took about 3 months to finish the first draft. In my head, a voice said, 'You are a writer, and soon, you shall be recognized by the masses as such.' And I, unfortunately, got suckered in.

Soon after, started, the editing, the revising of my first novel. It was un unending creativity draining process that pulled me in, over and over again. I also began searching for an agent or a publishing house. This was a most unpleasant aspect of the writing. And that my dear reader, is no healthy place for a fledgling creative writer with no proper training, credentials and connections. Nevertheless, I pushed through and persevered. Making it as a published author had become a matter of life or death. As to the creative process, well, I was drained, and all that was coming out of me felt meaningless, empty of substance, disappointing.

Then I got in a serious relationship with a lovely woman. We got engaged, got married and moved from Florida to Wisconsin, or from the 'Bucks' to the 'Lakers, or from air-conditioned lives to four distinguishable seasons, albeit with a long snowy winter. I got a full-time job, but was still trying to work on that first novel, 'Esperanza'.

Through that period, and after it, life kept on shifting around me. Time unavoidably passing was leading me from marriage to divorce, to another relationship, to attempting to leave the US of A, trying out Mexico, Brazil, India, France, India, the USA again, Spain, India, Thailand, India, Australia, India, Morocco, Mali, Canada, and finally Morocco. Through that there were also many relationships started with passion and infatuation, and ended with frustration, and often sadness.

In a way, I've always been and still am that boy who used to dream of true love between a man and a woman, and imagine world and stories that were filled to the brim with magic, beauty, excitement and potential for greatness. And personally, I truly appreciate this unchanged and important aspect of who I truly am.

Anyway, enough with the reminiscing and let's get back to work!

As a story-teller and author, I invite you to explore my work. Especially, my spiritually inspired, thought provoking novel, Esperanza, published in 2008 and available online through Amazon. Do it. It's an enjoyable read. I promise.

Until then, may you stumble onto great books and live enjoyable adventures.