
As a regular meditator and as someone who has instructed others on various meditation techniques, I am available to assist you with getting acquainted and started with the following techniques:

Mindfulness Meditation (Zen)

Observation of the experience, in stillness/or in movement, one breath at a time, one thought at a time, one now at a time.

Om Meditation

Chanting Om mantra, repetitively, concentrating on the mantra. The chanting can be vocalized, or silent.

Mantra Meditation

Similar to Om Meditation, except for the mantra -which is different. The mantra needs not be in Sanskrit. We will help you pick a mantra that is aligned with your core beliefs and aspirations.

Chakra Meditation

A guided visualization/meditation taking you through the 7 chakra ladder of consciousness, with specific Bija/root sound Mantra chanting.

Deva Meditation

A guided visualization/meditation taking you into the world of the devas, ( energetic forms of expression of the divine source), and in relation to their interconnectedness to the 7 chakra ladder of consciousness.

Tibetan Singing Bowls Meditation

A meditation to the healing/transformative sound of Tibetan Singing Bowls. In this meditation, you will get to use a singing bowl to create lenghty healing tonalities and vibrations, while staying mindful of your breathing, and overall physical state;

Yoga Nidra

A deep relaxation (savasana/corpse pose), with positive guided visualization. Yoga Nidra is an invitation to imagine oneself journeying to greater health, balance, joy, openness, peace, bliss, and more.

Vision Quest Meditation

A transformative guided journey into the practical meditative Dreamworld of North American traditional healers. These meditation can either very insightful, or cathartic.

While Initiation to some of these techniques is free of charge, a few of them require a lengthy preperatory period of instruction, which isn't free of charge.

If you have any questions, email me at kfadali @ gmail . com.

May you be blessed with clarity and inner-peace.