Patanjali - The Inner Path of Yoga
There is an immeasurable wealth of wisdom to be encountered within the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, especially for anyone who earnestly travels on the path of spiritual self-realization.
This course is an invitation to explore the alchemical map of inner-transformation, through the eight dimensions of yogic self-realization, as prescribed in the Yoga Sutras.
As part of the ‘Brahman Vidya Course Series’, ‘Patanjali –The inner path of Yoga’ is set to help us begin activating and harmonizing all seven vibrational dimensions that represent the multifaceted nature of our being. Such an all-encompassing wholesome process can last a life-time, and perhaps much longer than that.
This is a 9 hour-course; (divided into 3 sessions).
Each session will start with a yoga asana and pranayama practice, and end with a meditation.
Warning: The life-quest that Patanjali invites us to follow is a transcendental ‘Hero’s inner-journey’, in which, you, the protagonist, are called to descend the dark abyss of your own innermost depths, in order to face all your inner-demons, in order to be uplifted to the greatest heights of your spiritual awakening, or to the state of ‘Self-realization’. Please be advised that choosing the Inner path prescribed by Patanjali requires a great deal of integrity, compassion towards self and others, and psycho-emotional stability, if only to weather the storms of karmic purifications that tend to be sparked by the subtle movements and shifts of the spiritual consciousness through the multi-dimensional nature of your being.
For more information, please click on the flyer, or contact us by email at kfadali @ gmail . com. |